Research & Initiatives
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Helical nanoribbons
Incorporating perylene diimide (PDI) units into helicene and twistacene structures have become a useful strategy for giving access to non-planar electron acceptors as well as a method of creating molecules with unique and intriguing chiroptical properties. Here, we develop synthetic strategies for chiral PDI-based nanoribbons with impressive chiroptical properties that have potential applications as next-generation technologies such as spin filters, chiral switches and nonlinear chiroptical nonlinear optics.

​Organic materials for batteries
Organic electrode materials (OEMs) provide unique advantages compared to their inorganic counterparts as they consist of earth-abundant components and possess synthetic flexibility that can be used to tune their properties to match specific application demands. Through the syntheses of contorted macromolecular nanoribbons and polymers, we can simultaneously modulate the electrical conductivity and ionic diffusivity of the material and fabricate OEMs that are sustainable, fast-charging, and long lasting.

Superatom chemistry
Coating two-dimensional (2D) materials with molecules bearing tunable properties imparts their surfaces with functionalities for applications in sensing, nanoelectronics, nanofabrication, and electrochemistry. We use radical-based modifiers to functionalize the surface of 2D superatomic Re6Se8Cl2 by replacing the surface chlorines in a site-selective manner. The superatomic Re6Se8 behaves as a chemical pegboard, to which we can attach a functional monolayer of active sites for applications. ​